Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris Menarik, Dijamin Dilirik HRD !
Surat Kerja Lamaran Bahasa Inggris Menarik, Dijamin Dilirik HRD ! – Perusahaan multi nasional seringkali menghire calon pekerja yang fasih menggunakan bahasa inggris. Maka dari itu, HRD perusahaan tersebut biasanya menetapkan berbagai macam persyaratan bagi kamu yang hendak melamar pekerjaan disana. Persyaratanya meliputi kualifikasi pendidikan atau pengalaman, sertifikasi kompetensi sesuai jurusan, dan kemampuan kamu dalam menggunakan bahasa inggris serta CV dalam Bahasa Inggris dan tentu saja Application Letter atau yang biasa disebut dengan Surat Lamaran Kerja.
Surat Lamaran Kerja dibuat untuk kamu yang ingin melamar pekerjaan di sebuah perusahaan multinasional ataupun perusahaan yang pekerjaannya membutuhkan bahasa inggris dalam sehari – hari seperti Agensi Marketing, Yayasan Pendidikan dan lain – lain.
Bagi kamu yang harus membuat surat lamaran berbahasa inggris namun masih belum tahu cara untuk membuatnya, yuk disimak panduan untuk membuat Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris di bawah ini !
Bagian – Bagian Surat Lamaran Kerja Berbahasa Inggris

Application Letter atau surat lamaran dari Bahasa Indonesia maupun Bahasa Inggris memiliki bagian yang sama, namun memiliki perbedaan dari sisi bahasa yang digunakan. Berikut merupakan bagian – bagian yang umumnya terdapat di Surat Lamaran Kerja dalam Bahasa Inggris.
- Header (Pembukaan)
- Alamat Penerima (Address of the Recipient)
- Salutation (Salam Pembuka)
- Paragraf Pembuka (Opening Paragraph)
- Paragraf Tengah (Body Paragraph)
- Paragraf Penutup (Closing Paragraph)
- Penutup (Closing)
- Lampiran (Attachments)
Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris
Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Pada Perusahaan
July 21, 2020 Siska Fransisca Dear Ms. Siska, This letter is written in reference to the job posting of staff accountant, and I am please to send you my application and resume. I earned my bachelor’s degree in accounting from Universitas Indonesia and hold a C.P.A certification. My professional experience includes a successful tenure at Luthor Corp, where I managed the accounting books and financial records for over 100 distinct public sector municipalities. As evident from my resume, I have taken on numerous pivotal responsibilities in the role of a staff accountant, and I am eager to bring that same level of dedication to your team in the future. I would really appreciate it if you could organize a meeting as per your convenience. Thank you for devoting your most valuable time to read my resume and job application. Best Regards, Bayu Putra
Head of HRD
PT Cahaya Abadi
Jl. Kuningan No 34
I was delighted to learn about the job vacancy, especially since I had 3 years of prior experience working as an accountant.
You can reach me through my email at or call me at 081320636746.
I wish you a very wonderful day.
Sumber : Istimewa
Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Untuk Fresh Graduate
Surabaya, January 31st 2021 Attention To: Mr. Bayu Wijaya Resources Manager of PT. Terbuka Adijaya Abadi Jl. Sulatri no 169x Bali, Indonesia Dear Mr. Bayu Wijaya, I have read from your advertisement on website (, January 20, 2022 that your company is looking for employees to hold some position. Based on the advertisement, I am writing to express my interest in applying for a job in your company as Accounting staff. I recently graduated from Gajah Mada University in Jogjakarta, with a degree in Accounting from the Faculty of Economics and Business, achieving a total GPA of 3.60 out of 4.00. Consider myself a disciplined and diligent individual with strong time management skills. I am confident that I can excel in my role and make a valuable contribution to your company. Additionally, I possess excellent communication skills and am adept at collaborating effectively within a team as well as working independently. I would be very happy if given the opportunity to be able to follow the next stage of admission, to discuss my qualifications and the possibility of joining your company. My Curriculum Vitae is enclosed along this letter and you may review it for further information. Thank you very much for your attention. Sincerely yours, Ayu Septi
Sumber : Istimewa
Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Untuk Marketing
Denpasar, June 02, 2022 Attention To : Human Resource Departement Dear Sir/Madam, I have read from your job vacancy advertisement at Tribun Jogja and found that your company is looking for employees for “Marketing Staff” position. I believe the job is fit with my educational background and thus I found myself qualified for the job. My name is Rangga Winata. I am twenty four years old and I am a fresh gradute from Management Department of Yogyakarta State University (UNY Yogyakarta) on August this year. I have the qualifications that you want for the job. Besides the basic knowledge I have from my educational background, I also have a good computer skill and I can communicate in English, both spoken and written. With all the qualifications I mentioned above, I am confident that and I can contribute effetively to your company. Here with this letter I enclose my : Copy of Bachelor Degree (S1) Certificate and Academis Transcript CV (Curriculum Vitae) Recent photograph with size of 4×6 I appreciate your attention and I hope I can join your company soon and be the part of it. Sincerely Rangga Winata
PT. AW Bali Digital
Jalan Sulatri No. 168x
Denpasar, Bali.
Sumber :
Nah, sekian artikel mengenai Surat Kerja Lamaran Bahasa Inggris Menarik, yang pastinya membuat kamu dilirik oleh para HRD perusahaan. Semoga dengan ini, kamu diterima di perusahaan multi nasional yang kamu inginkan.
Semoga Bermanfaat !